In accordance with the French Data Protection Act N° 78-17 of 6th January 1978, as amended and in the version currently in force, and with the General Data Protection Regulation, adopted by the European Parliament on 27th April 2016, and with the resulting laws and regulations, this charter sets out the BGC VINS RARES policy on privacy, the collection of personal data and cookies. 

It can be viewed on our homepage and at any other place where you are asked to provide personal information.  


1. Definition and nature of personal data 

The term “personal data“ means all the data used to identify you directly or indirectly such as surnames, first names, pseudonyms, date of birth, postal and email addresses, telephone numbers, and so on.  


2. Right to access, rectify, delete, transfer and block the processing of personal data 

At any time, you may access, rectify, delete, transfer or block the processing of your personal data. You can also block your personal data being processed for the purposes of canvassing, and commercial canvassing in particular. 

To exercise your rights, send your request, accompanied by a valid proof of identity, to: BGC VINS RARES - Madame La Responsable de la Protection des Données – 9 chemin de Bellevue, Villars 63870 ORCINES (France) or to rgpd@bgcvinsrares


3. Management of Personal Data  

During your visit to the website and for the purpose of finalising your order, we collect your personal data via a form to be filled in and a check box to be confirmed once you have read this Data Privacy Charter. 

These data are collected for one or more of the specific purposes listed below:  

  • To create your customer accounts and to build a strong customer relationship; G
  • To manage your requests to access, rectify or block the processing of your personal data; 
  • To inform you about new products, via information letters and promotional offers;
  • To manage your subscriptions and subscription cancellations; 
  • To develop sales statistics in order to better meet your needs and expectations; 
  • To be kept in legal documents in compliance with accounting standards, and for the required legal duration. 

Personal data are stored in compliance with current laws and regulations for a maximum period of three years as from termination of the commercial relationship.  

At the end of this period, we will contact you to find out whether you wish to continue receiving our sales information; by default, the data will be archived or destroyed. 

The personal data collected are intended for BGC VINS RARES and can be accessed by our internal Accounting and Communications Departments and by our IT subcontractor. 


4. Protection and confidentiality of collected personal data 

BGC VINS RARES agrees to take every useful technical and organisational measure with regard to the nature of the data and the risks involved in their processing, so as to prevent said data being distorted, destroyed, damaged or accessed by unauthorised third parties. 

Likewise, we strongly suggest that you do not communicate your login and password to third parties, that you always log out of your user profile and customer account (especially where linked accounts are concerned), that you close your browser window at the end of your session, especially if you are accessing the Internet via a shared computer, and that you never save your login and password in your browser.  In this way, you will prevent other users from accessing your personal data. 


5. Cookie management policy  

The term “cookies” covers all the trackers left on a hard drive during an Internet browsing session. 

Cookies are necessary for the smooth functioning of a website: they are used to store login data, to provide secure connections, to collect statistics aimed at improving site functionalities and to deliver content that matches your interests. 

When you visit our Website, we inform you that our Website uses cookies, via a pop-up window displayed on the web page. Once you have read this notice, you can view this Charter and accept or refuse the cookies. 

By continuing to browse our Website following the display of this window, you agree to the use of cookies on our Website. However, you can change your cookie settings at any time as described below.   


The cookies issued by BGC VINS RARES on its Website are stored on your computer, tablet PC or smartphone, in particular to make it easier to browse our Website. 

They are used to: 

  • monitor the level of activity on our Website, allowing us to identify any errors and ensure that our Website has all the appropriate material resources; 
  • develop statistics on website traffic and the use of its various components;
  • adapt its presentation to fit your terminal’s display preferences;
  • facilitate your browsing experience by ensuring that you do not have to enter your personal data each time you visit the Website or by customising site content to match your preferences.

You are free to accept or refuse these cookies. You can refuse cookies or be warned that a cookie has been placed on your computer simply by changing certain settings in your browser. You can also delete the cookies stored on your computer, thereby permanently removing the information they contain. 

In accordance with current regulations, the cookies collected on our Website are stored for a maximum period of 13 months. 

You can accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis or configure their systematic refusal. Note, however, that changing your cookie settings may modify your Web-browsing experience and that cookies are necessary to be able to access certain services.  

You can change your cookie settings at any time by following the procedure specific to your web browser, via the help menu. 

We reserve the right to modify some or all this Charter, at any time, in view of any changes to or developments in our internal practices and procedures. We agree to ensure that our internal practices and procedures are always compliant with any changes in French and European legal and regulatory requirements. We invite you to check this Charter on a regular basis, prior to the collection of your personal data, for a better knowledge and understanding of their use. We may have to ask you to confirm your knowledge and understanding of this Charter on a regular basis. 

Date on which this Charter was last updated:  January 2022